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teaching's end

Gamevial has spent much time and work in those awesome games. For using them with Cheat Engine? Not so, no. Cheat Engine gives may more and new features, but isn't it then like playing Cheat Engine? Fly Like A Bird 3 espectially is an awesome game. I think i can say, the best browsergame ever. It is free, everyone can play it. That is really not usual for computergames of that class.

What i did was really like a kind of disrespecting that. Cheat Engine destoys the game how it is. Yea it got anyways fucked up by some people, but i'll just take my part and stop with making Cheat Engine useable for every idiot. Nostalgia, it was really more fun without cheating. I really miss the times when nearly no one, including me knew them. There changed so much and it's definitive most my own fault.

Also i lost sight of the original reason why i made the website. It was just easier to teach hacks via giving the URL of a website, than sending every picture extra via E-Mail.

The reason for this teaching is very simple. It wasn't really a reason how i now see it. First i wanted revenge 'cause no one wanted to teach me the Teleport hack. I swore if i find it by my own, i'll make it public. Including every cheat i know (except of Immortality). Second was that i thought why making it so secret if it is so much fun?

I really didn't think about the consequents.

I destroyed fun for myself.

It went out of controll.

Mfg. dub



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